Resilience and Healthy Ageing Network
13.3.2013 (Gill's update) - Resilience is now being referred to widely in research policy and practice, and certainly seems to be a ‘buzz’ word at the moment.
Various definitions are proposed. From my perspective, I would recommend that you define resilience from a theoretical basis, and from this you can then identify how you might 'measure' resilience. As part of the work of the resilience and healthy ageing network, resilience was defined as the process of negotiating, managing and adapting to significant sources of stress or trauma.
The diagram
gives an example of a resilience framework, and demonstrates how assets and resources within the
individual, their life and environment
facilitate the capacity for adaptation and
‘bouncing back’ in the face of adversity.
This definition acknowledges key
features of resilience; the encounter with
adversity (e.g. ill-health); the ability to
resist and adapt to the adversity (drawing
on resources); and the avoidance of a
negative outcome, or the maintenance of
mental health.
An important thing to grasp is that
resilience is not necessarily about
superior functioning or flourishing, it is
about doing okay, or better than could
be expected, given the individual
Resilience and Healthy Ageing Network: The network activities ensured knowledge transfer was embedded within the work processes, which included integrated as well as end of grant activities. A key aspect of the work is the involvement and contribution of stakeholders.